Heat Sealers For Poly Bags

4 Hand Sealer for Poly Bags
4 Hand Sealer for Poly Bags Item # L9S4


8 Hand Sealer for Poly Bags
8 Hand Sealer for Poly Bags Item # L9S8


12 Hand Sealer for Poly Bags
12 Hand Sealer for Poly Bags Item # L9S12


16 Hand Sealer for Poly Bags
16 Hand Sealer for Poly Bags Item # L9S16


20 Hand Sealer for Poly Bags
20 Hand Sealer for Poly Bags Item # L9S20


30 Hand Sealer for Poly Bags
30 Hand Sealer for Poly Bags Item # L9S30


40 Hand Sealer for Poly Bags
40 Hand Sealer for Poly Bags Item # L9S40


6 Crimper Hand Sealer
6 Crimper Hand Sealer Item # Y11155


  • Simple to operate. Put bag between seal bars, then press and release.
  • Adjustable timer allows for use with varying poly thicknesses.
  • Maximum sealing thickness is 12 mils.