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Easy-Fold Mailers are Easy Money

Easy-Fold Mailers are Easy Money

Sometimes, simple really is better. And the old adage, "time is money" still rings true today.  With the rate things are getting shipped to people's doors these days, any advantage can put you ahead of the competition.  But not everything has to be about competitive advantage.  Sometimes it is simply worth it to have some convenience in your life. 

 When we titled our Easy-Fold Mailers, we really meant it. They are simple and fast for shipping small items.  Even if you are not a shipping department calculating every second and specific movement of your employees, it is not hard to see that it really is nice to ship something with little effort.  With these packages, you can simply get your item where it needs to be and know that it is protected by the strength of the corrugated mailer.  

 We know that cutting down on time and labor costs are important to many of you.  Our Easy-Fold Mailers have different perforations, so you can place your item in and adjust the box quickly to the correct depth to close.  It means it will look good, no funky bends, and be secure.  So if you want your next mailing experience to be smooth and easy, give these a try. 

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Also in Packaging & Shipping Supplies Blogs


Catherine A. McClarey

- June 02, 2021

The Easy-Fold Mailer concept seems similar to that of adjustable-depth boxes, but in smaller sizes. I’ve received items which were shipped in Easy-Fold Mailers, and love reusing them for shipping out books, DVDs/Blu-rays, and computer software, which make up the bulk of my eBay sales. (Now I just need to weed & recycle the boxes in my basement stash which are either too big or too small for shipping eBay items!)